Thursday, August 18, 2011

How good/bad is my fantasy baseball team?

It looks like a good, well rounded team. I don't see any glaring holes honestly. You might eventually want to trade Molina and maybe Danks or Baker to improve your catcher a little.

Why does soil shield highly radioactive substances?

if something is very radioactive the guys at the powerplant or wherever bury it deep down into the earth. why does the soil keep the radiation from coming up? is it something to do with slowing down gamma rays or whatever..? i have no idea lol

Is there any racing center in bangladesh (dhaka)/????plz help?

i m 13 and want to be trained for racing ...i live in bangladesh (dhaka).so is there any training center in dhaka for racing

This girl is tryin to replace me!! and she's tryin to be cool -.-?

Yeah......your being a bit to paranoid. If you truly don't care what people think of you, there's no reason to even be posting this question.

True about muslims and pork?

so ..what is ur u want muslims to eat pork?if they dn't like ,why do u want to impose...u eat tasty pork merry..

Chest pain on left side and then a deep cough??

Ive had this for months now and I've been to the doctor several times for this chest pain and the cough! I was told i had bronchitis infection and then I was told sinus infection...all the medicines haven't worked at all! Even when I'm doing an activity like dancing or running..the cough gets worser and its a deep cough...i can't get rid of it...anyone can tell me what to do or what they think it is??

Is this a good deal for $692?

If it's from newegg it's close to the best deal you can get. Buying a new system is never a good deal because they always get cheaper. It's been a while since I built mine but did you look around for sales and specials to get certain pieces cheaper? Go for it and do your own economic stimulus. It's your duty as an American.

Can you color suede shoes with permanent marker?

Ok so there are some shoes I made at the vans store website about a month back but never ordered then so I planned to order them this weekend but when I went to the site they had removed one of the options for the side of the shoe colors so if I order the white one can I color it with a permanent marker safely and not destroy the shoe because I tried this on old shoes but the marker just rubs off right away

The Veronica's I could get used to this music video?

I thought I remember seeing a video for 'I could get used to this' by The veronica's on youtube, has anyone else seen it recently and/or is there somewhere i can watch it if there is one.

What product is causing the irritation/breakout?

It could be any of those possibilities, or a combination of all of them. There is no way to know for sure. Or it could even be something else entirely.

Why does he like PDA?

My boyfriend doesn't see a problem with kissing me in public and can't figure out why I don't like it. Sometimes i have walked away from him when we say goodnight because I hate PDA. Most guys hate it more than girls I thought. Why does he not mind it? It's weird to think that I'm the one who doesn't like it. Most girls would find it cute or whatever. However, I do not. I find it embarring.

I have a 1991 bronco with a 351 wensor 5.8 l how can i convert it from fuel injection to carburator?

Why would you want to? Fuel injection is much better than a carburetor. With fuel injection it will start easier in winter, use less gas, idle better and the engine will last longer.

Make up your mind, woman (church): Will it be Law: forsaken, or Grace: forgiven, for "all" isn't many nor few?

The Savior YAHUSHUA did not come to empower His 'bride' to be a lawbreaker, but to be an over comer. Grace is the power to KEEP the law of Torah.

DO YOU LIKE THIS JOKE ...stars very welcome?

U know i love every one of your jokes!!!!!!!! you is awesome!!!!! can i add you to my contacts if you arent already there?

Christians: What are synonyms for wrath, or righteous indignation, besides vengeance?

Hi. I am looking for words that mean righteous indignation, or God's wrath beside vengeance. What are some other words I can use for Godly anger besides wrath and vengeance? Please list as many synonyms as you can. Thank you.

Enfamil fomula?

I found enfamil caused my daughter to spit up a lot too and it stained her clothes and bibs very badly, so we switched to good start and now she hardly ever spits up and if she does it's not a lot and it doesn't stain at all.

Why does the United States and other western nations feel it is important to interfere in other nations?

Cry me a river. When the US starts begging the world for help, they can weigh in on our choices. Until then, shut yer yapper.

Is this a good deal for a notebook from my school?

yes, you've sure got yourself a bargain. With 4 years warranty this laptop is going to last. so if you think of what you'll need it for in 4 years time, this will help you decide. but i would definately buy this laptop at such a low price.

Why is everyone being so unsupportive of me relocating back home?

I live in GA & my fam lives in CA.I moved to GA to go to school & now I want to relocate back home. I've been considering it for about a year but just finally decided it was the right time since things have been really bad for me, I miss my family terribly & then I lost my job. My bf of 4 years who I expected to come with me b/c he said he wanted to is suddenly resisting saying he doesnt want the hle of moving but when I say Ok I'll go without you he gets pissed & starts fighting with me. My family to my surprise is also super pressuring me. I had my mom look at an apartment today for me & b/c I didn't fill out an application & pay the first month TODAY she got upset & said she didnt want to bother looking at apts if I wasnt going to get one. Im still across the country & I have 1 month on my lease. I want to have her look at several not just one so I can choose something decent.The apartment was less than 5 minutes from her. Now she's telling me that I'm taking too long and shes quote "weary" of dealing with helping me move. I only brought up that I was moving On June 15th & she hasnt helped me do anything. Now I'm questioning why the hell I should move back now b/c no one seems to care either way about my happiness? Why is everyone being so unsupportive??

What are some good acoustic/alternative bands?

ive been listening to a lot of speech writters llc, red hot chili peppers, never shout never, the scene aesthetic

What are the codes for the special moves in Street Fighter?

I have Street Fighter Championship Edition on my sega genesis. I am trying to do the special moves. Like Ryu's dragon punch or Vega to climb on the walls. Things like that. But I don't have a game genie. I have a controller that has 6 ons. (A B C and X Y Z) does anyone know the on order for me to use these special codes? Thanks for your help!

Nother one from my past... recognize it? C/C?

Wish you would not have asked if I recognized it; I struggle then & question myself.. I am certain I have read it or you have used some of the same descriptives in other writes. Either way, I danced across an empty stage to the music of your words. Graceful as a train wreck, but I danced. Nancy being pensive is Nancy The Poet. Good morning, Friend!

Is paula faris pregnant?

Paula faris is the lead sportscaster for Channel 5 News Chicago and she looks a bit round in the belly... wondering if she's pregnant

Back to school clothes. Day one. Your ideas?

ok my brother has the same shorts i like the sorta but skulls? Ugly. go with like a zoo york shirt or something with a simple design you don't wanna stick out when you get new teachers. but other than that you'll look fine and go with brands like vans and Zoo York and any thing from zumies or nolies.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Who took Maes Hughes' place after he died?

In Full Metal Alchemist, when Maes died I'm sure someone had to take his place as Lieutenant Colonel of Internal Affairs (I think that's what he was in, dont judge me it's been a while). Anyway, I was wondering who took his place. Was it some random guy or was it someone we know? Please help!

Would this suit me?????

Your hair is a little bit thinner than hers so it may not suit you unless you add some more styling time into your routine. Blow drying with a round brush and volumizing hair products will make this edgy cut more suitable for your hair type.

I'm sure this has been asked before, but.....?

Do you think Waylon, Willie, Jesse, & Tompall Glasier (the original outlaws) would have a chance in todays country?

How many of these players do u see joining other teams in the offseason and to who?? These are the free agents

Gerald Wallace,Sasha Pavlovic,Anderson Vajero,Jerry Stackhouse,Devean George,Austin Croshere,Steve Blake,Chauncey Billups,Ronald Dupree,Antonio McDyess,Flip Murray,Chris Webber,Matt Barnes,Dikembe Mutumbo,Bonzi Wells, Jake Tsakalidis,Jason Hart,Quinton Ross,Luke Walton,Chris Mihm.Eddie Jones,Jason Kapono,Gary Payton,Ruben Patterson,Earl Boykins,Vince Carter,Mikki Moore,Desmond Mason,Grant Hill,Joe Smith,Jalen Rose,Pat Burke,Kurt Thomas,Jamaal Magloire,Mike Bibby,Corliss Williamson,Matt Bonner,Fabricio Oberto,Micheall Finley,Rashard Lewis,Morris Peterson,Danny Fortson,Dee Brown and DeShawn Stevenson..

In Blackjack, is it better to make high or low bets?

This basic strategy helps the player make decisions about when to hit and when to stand. ... The reason the deck favors the player is because the player has a better ... By igning a simple value such as +1 for high cards and -1 for low ... Come play poker, blackjack, keno, 21, and slots. Bet on boxing, f

Bottom line...When are Liberals and Democrats going to admit that it's Conservatives and the Private Sector?

admission is the first step in recovery so this seldom happens and when it does the left still refuses to be held accountable, conservatism makes the wheels turn, where as liberalism makes the wheels stop

Help!! I am a computer illiterate. Here's my delima.?

My 14 year old is doing very poorly in school and I have limited his computer time. In order to keep him off of the computer, I have changed the pword, so that he can get on only when I see that he has his homework done. Here's the problem. When I do give him access to the computer, he sometimes goes in and changes the pword so that I can't get on. To him, it is funny, but to me it is very frustrating. Is there any way that I can prevent him from changing the pword to an unknown?

What would be a good mix with lebanese? Half Lebanese and half _____?

I think Spanish are the most beautiful people in the world, so mixing them with any race would give wonderful result :D

Guys and you think it's possible to fall in love with someone then?

suddenly realize that you are better off being friends? I was seeing this guy and felt so in love with him. He made me feel so good about myself and I thoroughly enjoyed being with him. We had alot of fun out on the town, we spent hours just laying in bed cuddling, and yes, we had fantastic intimate relations. Over time we have gotten to know each other and even though we have gone through bad times, we had the chance to experience being with each other without any restrictions. I felt sad at times because I think it all started out with him being on the rebound and I wasnt always sure how he felt about me. But I have come to realize that it doesnt matter anymore. I know that I feel something totally profound for this guy because my main concern is that he is healthy and happy, even if it is without me. I just dont know if we could be a couple in a long term relationship because I think right now the timing is off and we both have issues in our lives that we need to work out. I truly care for him, but do you all think that this is true love or just a friendly love?

My Chemical romance Killjoy outfit ideas?

So me and my friends are going to a MCR concert and we decided to make our own killjoy names and outfits. They chose the name Ruthless Rebel for me amd I'm thinking of sticking to the colors black and red. I still need help with a logo for my name and the outfit. I kinda wanna stick with the way they did in the music video, but i wanna also tweek it a little. Any ideas?

Is metallic taste of pineapple in a "tin" can harmful?

I know the taste. I hate it, but have eaten fruit that had it several times in the past and never had a problem from it. Doubt you will die immediately.

Chanel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!help?

Where can i find a quilted black tote (chanel) like the one that jason gave lauren on the hills for christmas

HELP? I need Wide Reciever help!?

Jackson easily. Delhomme hasn't ped for over 200 yards in 4 of his last 5 or something like that and Carolina is going up against a terrible run D, in Denver. It's going to be Smash and Dash all day on the ground. Play Jackson over Muhammed.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - -- Abraham Linco?

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe." - -- Abraham Lincoln

How to be beautiful naturally?

being beautiful starts from the inside then add lots of makeup and hair sprays... Im sure your an awesome person and look just fine. I know people that look like laura croft that have the personality of a homeless person on crack. I would reather be around a person that is "ugly" (witch im sure you are not) that has a good personality. I know i friend that its super ugly and a big geek but dates hot chicks but they all have bad personalits. "beautiful" people are so over rated do you have a pic ?

Why has civilisation gone backwards r we shifting to chaos?

Think about society how women r treated & idolised or used 4 marketing as ual objects (& how men just want 2 hav with them & no emotional strings). Also how the prison system is used as a new form of slavery& how concept of egalitarianism is undermined within courts. The government uses flouride in water, which effects your IQ/memory are they trying to prevent the human brain from evolving? or how they use the war on terror to justify an illegal war (as defined by international law) in Iraq, while the dominant undercl of american society die for corporate interests such as opec et al. an iraqi men, women & children are d and murdered (jus type in war crimes in google). Was Thomas jefferson right "the issue today remains the same as it is throughout history, whether man shall be governed by a small elite or the people". R they using T.V to control wat u see, hear & think (think ofmedia ownership rubert murdock owns most media branchs inorder 2creat an illusion of choice

Most multi-talented historical figure?

Add my vote for Ben Franklin. Just read anything about him and you will not believe how many things he was into.

How long does it take to walk 5 miles downhill?

How long do you think it'll take to walk 5 miles downhill on rough terrain (i.e., uneven paths with small rocks n pebbles, etc.)?

What are some good books for maintaining/improving my Japanese knowledge over the summer?

I took a year of Elementary Japanese at college, loved it, and want to reinforce my learning this summer but I have had a hard time finding good books. Any recommendations?

I am in search of a new car? What is your Opinion on how much I should spend?

I would try to stay in $5500-$8000 range. I paid $6,000 for my car and paid $200 a month and then $150 in insurance but I did having a speeding ticket. Just get something you can afford. It's no fun to have a nice car but no money to go and do something in it.

Nick griffin ,,is he mad or looking for approval from his parents?

the second world war lasted 2,174 days,and claimed the lives of 50 million people,that's 23,000 every day or six people killed every minute.the blame for this human tragedy can be blamed squarely on the then german fuhrer,adolf can nick griffin idolise such an evil person,how can he deny the holocaust ,how has he became an elected european mp,how could anyone vote for nick griffin or his kind.

Help yze the Poem "I Would I Were A Careless Child" by Lord Byron?

The poem is speaking of age and death. Lord Byron speaks of how when he was young, he had few cares and things were free, and playful and he uses vivid description showing this. He shows how he feels things were better in his youth by using the description of the highland cave, the dusky wild, the dark blue wave, the mountain's craggy side. This is something that symbolizes his age. Since he is older when writing this, he sees the things that he saw in his youth more vividly because he's lived with them for so long. It shows throughout the poem how he hates aging because he knows he has few years left, but they will be lonely and loveless. He speaks of how his loved ones are gone and how his woman his gone. With him calling her a "woman" nameless and ageless, could show his fear of age or his height of care/concern for the woman. He does speak of how she is a comforter and how he wishes he were with her, in heaven. He could also have not mentioned her name and called her woman out of respect for her memory, keeping her anonymous and mysterious.

Will Jan Brewer be the new Norma Rea for all U.S States to reinforce our immigration laws?

Jan Brewer asked for help. The Feds ignored her. Her state government then created a plan, which they thought would remedy. Now, the Federal Government sues. It's completely, and totally preposterous on the part of the Obama Administration.

Step by step 180 ollies?

ive been skating for about a month and a half now. can someone explain step by step how to do a 180 ollie? i can do and ollie clean now so thats not a problem. thanks

What do you think of my tips to help with a Colic baby and to keep yourself sane and not shake baby?

Fabulous, you have made a difference in my life just by making me realise I'm not the only one out there with a colicy baby. It can be very tuff at times. But staying calm is the key.

Isaac Asimov's Foundation Saga?

Should I read Prelude to Foundation before reading the rest of the series? Or should I read it last as it was written last? Sometimes it's best to know all the origins from the first, but sometimes it's better to find out from clues along the way, so I was just wondering.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Does anyone know where I can find Puma "Tempo" Shoes?

Either online or in a store. I already tried puma and footlocker. I cant seem to find the kind that says "tempo" like the ones he has here. They are for my bf im trying to get them for him for Christmas or his b-day its one day after Christmas but im looking now because they are hard to find.

If me and you switched clothes RIGHT NOW what would i be wearing?

Blue t- shirt with peace quotes, a bra of some sort, underwear, jean bermudas with small cuffs, a orange pony tail on your left wrist, a reflection necklace based off of me (necklace that represents me) It has a heart, peace sighn, & angel wing. alls it needs is a pentacle. and neon green nail polishon your left hand, and on your right themb and index finger. then 3 color earings, I think thats it...

How many more will be added to my list of 47 if Billary is elected?

Im sure the list will continue growing,nothing suprises me with those two power hungy idiots.You think the country is in bad shape now?? Elect the bull and the dribbling idiot and see what happens!

What is the uniform policy for Herbert Hoover High School in Glendale, California?

There basically is none. You can wear pretty much anything that doesn't show too much skin/isn't gang related.

Do you consider the Oakland Raiders to be a relevant NFL team?

Yes, I do.. the raiders do not use russell in a very good offensive scheme but russell is a good player. he just needs some grooming....

Read first three chapters???

I think it's really good you have picked some good words and really kept it in with the time it is set in well done!

Easy 10 points!!!!! What does this mean?

The author basically just took the physical characteristics of the planets and personified them. Instead of planets in the solar system, they are people at a dance. The planets all "dance" around each other in orbit in the solar system and it's just showing the interaction between all of them, but in a more social environment, not in space. Hope that helps some!

Ideas for a new graphics card?

The 5770 is not a bad card but if you don't care for directx 11 the 4870 is a bit faster and you can crossfire it as well. Or get a 5850 which is a really good card.

Any opinion on kid leashes?

I am showing some friends around Thailand next year. they're bringing their 3 year old son. I think it would be a fine idea to put the little hellion on some kind of leash so he can't get lost or stolen (more about peace of mind for the parents, then a real concern on my part) I know full well that Thais often look at farang as little more than animals, but would a leash just reinforce that attitude, Or is there some other reason it might seem objectionable. If he was a little older it wouldn't be an issue. Any thoughts?

How does everyone like the new changes in yahoo?

I like the new changes in yahoo it is easier to read and I like the fact they took the time to make so we can't receive e-mails and ims. I Guess there has been problem people being hurt so yahoo answers shout it off all together to protect people so what do you guys think of the changes yahoo did? do you like the look the fact it easier to read? I know I do and yes you can receive 10 points for best answer they have not stopped that. anything you guys would like to see yahoo Change?

Purple Team Biggest Loser?

Who thinks Kristen Drank Water before the weigh in to pad her numbers for next week, because she had immunity this week. I do not blame her but who thinks she pulled a MATT HOOVER?

Jeremy Teh - St Aldates College,Rose Place, Oxford 1981?

Looking for a Malaysian/Chinese friend who studied at St Aldates College Oxford in 1981-2. Also worked at The Opium Den in George Street - anybody know him

Is the Cleveland show (the spinoff from family guy) gonna suck the entire season?

Is it just me but does this show just suck? I try to keep an open mind but this show seems to be missing a key element. I also feel they are going to keep cracking black jokes the entire show everyday..... witch was my least favorite part of family guy... now its the entire show??? tell me it has more of a premise then that please.... i looked on hulu and every episode has three stars or less..... anyway i want to hear what YOU think be honest, racist comments will be sent to god and will be dealt with in the afterlife good day!!!!! (racism shows me your level of intellect)

How common is ual promiscuity? Also, how common is swinging?

I think that there is a lot of ual promiscuity out there. I get that from hearing people talk about it. As far as swinging - I don't really know if there is a lot out there or not. I would hope not because of STDs.

How can a person at this day and age become a king or something similar?

What i mean is having servents,a monarchy,wealth,power and leadership.Is it possible? I know in some countries it still exist but can a person start from scratch?

Do people who don't believe in God but who are honestly looking for Him, go to Heaven or Hell?

Jesus is God, and only believing in Jesus alone for salvation, will get you into heaven and to avoid being sent to hell. You MUST believe in Jesus alone.

Good headsets for a Sound Blaster Audigy SE?

My budget for getting a new headset is around $30ish. I have seen logitech headsets and the reviews said that it breaks easily.

Wireless Network signal?

Moving it to the attic would not help I think. Maybe you need a router with a higher power transmitter. Or a better antenna.

How far along is she?

well her last period was 16 days before mine and doctors count the first day of pregnancy as the first day or your last period. I'm 6 weeks 4 days today jan 10,2010. So she would be 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant sometimes it's takes a while for the test to pick up the hormones.

Greek Mythology?

Oh, do your own homework. I'm sure the answers are in there, if you'd just read what you're supposed to read.

Fleas in the house. How do we get rid of them?

We have a bit of a flea infestation at our house and my husband and little girl are being bitten. We have had the council in 2 weeks ago to spary and haven't been allowed to hoover since then to allow the poison to remain in the house. The cat is Frontlined. Tonight i caught a flea as it jumped from my daughter onto the floor YUK!!! Any other things i can be doing or do we just have to wait......or should we get the council back in?

Whats a cute way to ask a guy to sadies?

write him a note or something. he will be impressed I LOVED those dancies cause I didnt have 2 ask! lol

What does the Bible say about parents who mistreat kids?

I am having a hard time finding anything in the Bible about child neglect or abuse. My 3 granddaughters are being mentally abused and I sure could use some scripture to read.

JUDAS RABBI ? a robot created by Y!A????????

i know that this sounds silly but do u think JUDAS RABBI is a robot created by a Y!A? other wise u cannot possibly explain all the points he has.or he could be a hacker, i have never seen him answer anything

Qu about toys.....?

It's not cheating but it probably would be hurtful to your husband if you sneak around behind his back. Some guys are really insecure about toys so my recommendation would be go with a small toy like the pocket rocket and have him take part in using it. So many of the toys out there nowadays are molded from male stars so your average guy could easily be intimidated if you brought one of those home. The only other advice I would give is don't make the toy a requirement in every ual encounter you and your husband have. This could also make him feel like he alone can't satisfy you anymore.

I was disrespectful to my teacher. i feel bad. what should i do?

Just apologize. Do it in person, or in a note. If you do it where other kids can hear, that's even better. Whatever you decide, just do something. It will mean a lot to her.

Stabbing finger pain?

You may have done some damage to one of the joints in your fingers. Have you jammed ur fingers any lately or carried anything too heavy that would have stretched out the joints in your fingers? You also may have a trapped nerve... look it up... maybe your symptoms will match up.

Do you support Dennis Miller's lifeboat theory on Immigration?

Miller is absolutely right. He brings us down to earth with this rancher who ran out of options. I'm from Arizona, and its like an infestation of bedbugs there. I now live in San Diego, and can guarantee that if an American were trying to sneak in to Tijuana (why, I'll never know), he would never see daylight again, and his body would be used for target practice on Revolution St. And forget trying to find out about his captors...

Why is so easily achieved in English culture?

Most people who go to clubs and bars are the ones who give it up so easily. That's not just British people either. I'm originally from England, 14 years old, and still have my lovely V-Card. I don't plan on giving it up anytime soon either. I don't want to have until I'm old enough for a baby. Let that be maybe 10 years from now after I start my career.


hints and signals are stupid. If a guy likes you, he will let you know and show. Especially if he's college.

Free , printable , Christmas carols ?

i am going caroling and i need some FREE carols that i can printout. please give me some websites! i already tried searches.

Have you heard of: George Sampson, Hillary Duff, The Jonas Brothers, Cheryl cole?

You can just write yes and no in order if you don't want to type their names. I need it for a survey

Monday, August 15, 2011

Who is gonna get more receptions from Sanchez tonight? Edwards or Cotchery?

Braylon Edwards will attract plenty of attention, and gets some key catches. Cotchery is questionable, he is recovering from a hamstring injury. Cotchery is active and will start. So if he's in, he will be the go to wide out because Sanchez is more comfortable with him and timing is everything.

What channel do u watch most?

Watch neighbours bbc1 eastenders bbc1 newsround bbc1 breakfast news bbc1 emmedale itv1 coronation street itv1 gmtv itv1 X factor itv1 dancing on ice itv1 celeb jungle itv1 big brother channel4 paul o grady channel4 deal or no deal channel4 richard and judy channel4 how clean is your house channel4 everybody hate chris channel5

Does anyone know Peter Schiff's view on the prospect of the CAD?

Does anyone know or can anyone find out Schiff's view on the prospect of the CAD especially in the case of a USD collapse or continued weakness? I've searched around without luck.

Does this statements about "ghetto english" make me a bad person? How am i judged?

I know what you mean but it can be very offensive to others. Try putting on your ad that you are looking for intellectuals to hang out with.

What is the most reasonable/best gaming system for a nine year old?

My son is wanting a gaming system and I would like to get him a nice one. However, I am not a gamer and am "gaming illiterate"....can someone help please? lol

GAY brochures for my brother?

Okay so I think my brother may be gay and I really want him to come out. So I was wondering if there was some kind of brochure about coming out I could order online and get it sent to his house.

My snake needs a feed judgement, please help!?

If u are not sure u can always go smaller but more. 1f is short so yes it can be that old. U wil need a cage with a warm and cool side. Also the humidity must be right. Go on google to cheak the temp fore whe work in C and not fer. U can use a heat lamp just make sure the snake can not burn it self. I like rats beter than mice. A rat pup will do the thing and i feed dead. There are a lot of things that can happin to the snake when a rat bites it. Also u need 2 hides. Good luck and hope u have fun with your new friend

How to make a strategic Marketing Plan to sell Basmati Rice in Gulf countries?

Indian and Pakistan basmati rice has big demand in Gulf countries. There are many brands available, yet required to know the total potential of basmati rice in the GC.C countries? If you can get the potential of each country (U.A.E, Oman, Saudi, Qatar, Baharain & Kuwait) and the major market share for major brands, would be essentail to know. What promotions , when (period) and what would be the budget for the promotion to promote your owen brand of Basmati rice ?

Funny or not?

that was a good gonna tell all my friends that hasnt been copyrighted right? =)

If rex ryan somehow beats the patriots, will he say it's personal when he faces the steelers/ravens?

He will, he'll come up with something. It's ll about taking the pressure/attention off of the team and putting it on himself. Tying to reduce the distractions on his fragile QB.

Would a 300w power supply be enough to power a good graphics (worth around �100) card on this computer?

Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 Processor (2.4GHz, 1066MHz FSB, 8MB Cache) Genuine Windows Vista (R) Home Premium 3GB Memory 640GB Hard Drive

If I have an LLC but work from home, do I have to file as a foreign LLC in every state where my clients are?

Typically, you are considered "doing business" in a state if you have an office or employee physically stationed there. Run this by a lawyer, but based on my experience, I don't believe any of your examples would require you to register as a foreign corporation.

Explain how [a,b]= ab/(a,b) this combined to compute the least common multiple?

I need explanation how this inequality can be combined with the Euclidean algorithm to provide an efficient means of computing the lcm of a and b without using prime factorizations.[a,b] stands for lcm of a and b; (a,b) stands for gcd; ab stands for the product of a and b, the positive integers.

What was the name of the Roxy boots in the new Seventeen?

I looked for them online and found some similar but they weren't the same. They were plaid and the Roxy symbol on them was light blue.

Xbox 360 question......................…

Best way to do that...Buy a 512 MB memory unit...and a datel transfer kit...other tech doesn't always work with the 360

Which WR to start Week 1?

I would choose Devin against detroits defense. If not him I would choose Malcom against KC for the sme reason. I would avoid Nicks against Carolina.

My stepson's psycho ex girlfriend won't leave him alone?

He's 20 years old, old enough to make his own decisions and stuff, I realize that. But this girl is 17 years old, a biker chick, nasty, and just won't leave him alone. They've been on and off again for about a year and a half. None of his family approves, and her mom doesn't like him either and is just as psycho, trying to cause problems with our family. He just gets drunk or lonely or whatever and wants a call and she's the one he calls. Although he used to ignore her numerous calls and texts nearly every day and at one point he wanted her to leave him alone so badly he was going to file a restraining order. I can't stand her and no one else can either. It would be a horrible disaster if she got pregnant or she ended up getting him to marry her or something. What to do?

I need a song to go with a Power Point Presentation. Can you help?

Okay - this will be a power point done about "At risk" students. The whole purpose of the video/presentation will be putting student faces to statistical numbers to inspire teachers not to give up on these challenging students. The song we want is something for our background soundtrack that is inspirational, but not too "cheesy". We thought of "Don't Give Up on Us, Baby" or Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love of All" - but we're still looking. Any ideas?

Is it abnormal to want to make a guy blush?

It is not abnormal to want to look good for a guy but it is abnormal to make them want to blush. You trying to make him blush is for your own pleasure, it to me sounds like you a girl that likes to play games and no guy likes that. So, just keep your cool and don't go out of your way to make him uncomfortable.

Catholics & stem cell research?

but if they told everyone that, they wouldn't be able to make the catholic church look like the mortal enemy of the world, and no atheist, protestant, and or muslim wants that.

Which star in the Algol system do you expect to leae the Main Sequence first, a B8 or a K2 star?

There is a famous binary star system that is visible as a single star to the naked eye, Algol. The two stars in the Algol binary system are a B8 main sequence star and a K2 subgiant star. Recall that binary stars are umed to have been created simultaneously out of the same cloud of gas. Algol, therefore, creates a paradox. Astronomers do not expect to find a K2 subgiant and a B8 main Sequence star in the same binary system. Given the anser to the questions above, explain why the Algol system creates a paradox for astronomers.

Which Latin American country is the best?

Colombia by far has the most dynamic country in the region. Colombian's are the most educated by far in the region, and speak the best Spanish. I've taken cles from American teachers that speak of Colombia in higher standards than the Colombians themselves. They have the best doctors in the planet. Best surgeons, fathered lasik to list a few. There also the happiest in the region. An Ecuadorian friend of mind said that Colombian people are way too happy, and wished the same for his country. An American friend who grew up in Bogota, will not reveal, apart from me, that he is American. He tells everyone he's Colombian, Colombia this, Colombia that, this is the way Colombian's do it, etc, gets annoying lol. As for military, you mess with Colombia, America will back it up, and their military is American train. Another interesting note, is that among the most recognized musicians in the world are from Colombia respectively, Shakira and Juanes! They write and produce, or help produce their own music, unlike people like say, Jennifer Lopez, who is a medium for the music other song writers make. Check out these other producers, songwriters, between the two they write some of the best music heard in the Latin airways, Estefano, and Kike Santander. Hope this helps, just wanted to emphasize the pion all Colombians have in their DNA!

Hungarian Please Help?

I'm trying to look things up about my grandfather's family! I know both his parents were born in Budapest, Hungary. The last name of my great grandfather was Gyurnek and my great grandmother was Halmose. I've searched Gyurnek every way possible and can't find anything to do with Hungary. I'm wondering if they may have got this name when they came to the US. This last name is very rare in the US. Any Info would be helpful! I've searched the Ellis Island website to see if I could find a listing of when they may have came here, but there is no results for Gyurnek, but there are names that are similar.

Who is a contemporary (current) figure who has exhibited betrayal (against government, religion, anything)?

Mr. Felt immediately comes to mind. He was "Deep Throat" in the Nixon missing tapes / Watergate scandal. He was in the FBI, meaning he ultimately answered to Nixon. The practice of breaking into opponents campaign offices and spying was not new. Quite the contrary, it was actually the norm. The news media was looking for a story and wanted desperately to make Nixon look bad. Mr. Felt (who didn't have guts enough to do it outwardly) gave them exactly what they wanted. Where was he during Kennedy's reign of terror? The media turned a blind eye to most every lie and criminal act Kennedy carried out against the American people. And Mr. Felt? Well, he was in the FBI, but just didn't seem to care about say, 2,510 dead Americans on the beaches of Cuba... And the media today, portrays Mr. Felt as a hero. How perverse. As for Nixon, had he admitted the truth, fired those responsible and apologized, it is more than slightly conceivable that all would have been forgiven and he would have remained President.

Don't you find Americans going to Cuba and spending all there money there anoyyin?

I'm Cuban and I find it anoyyin wen I see all these gringos byping the united states laws to get into Cuba which is a communist country. Also all the money spent there goes striaght to castros dictatorship. Ithe usual sight is a buch of pure American spring breakers who either go through Canada or Mexico, and the occasional Cuban bringing there husband or wife. I was wondering your opponion on this because I find it frustrating because all these tourist spending money there prolong communisum even this embargo isn't enough cause china which is supposly or best frend has connection with them

What do you think of these maltese female dog names?

When i get a female dog i want to name her Bela :-) because i know shes gonna be bela! so that can be a good name :D

I need the solution to The Journey Leads to the Time of Jesus and Beyond Crossword Puzzle.?

i really need this because i have many tests tomorrow and im stressing and ill never get this done so if anyone has a link please post it ='[?

How does one undermine his team?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reversing thyroid treatment?

I never had a problem with my weight until I had treatment for an over-active thyroid gland. I had radioactive iodine which killed it dead. At the time they went through the side effects but never mentioned that I'd put on nearly 2 stone in a month but that's what happened. Yes I know the best way to lose weight is exercise and healthy eating and that's what I do but I can't get it shifted. Does anyone know if it is possible to kick start your thyroid working again??

Can I sue Santa Claus for breaking in my house?

Every christmas, he comes for my 6-year old. So I was wondering if I could sue him for breaking in my house.

My anti-virus allegedly got rid of a virus, but it keeps finding and deleting it from system restore points?

I have AVG and CA anti-virus, and recently had a trojan virus on my computer. It *seems* to be gone, however AVG keeps finding the trojan again within the system restore points or whatever (or at least that's the location it shows when it says where it deleted it from). Firstly, will this affect my system if it's just found in the system restore, and secondly how would I get rid of it from there permanantly and stop it from reappearing in new system restore points?

United States vs Bin Laden?

I agree! I can't help but think that if we were capable of capturing a man who was in no way involved in the 9/11 attacks, we certainly could have captured the main culprit, Osama bin Laden, and brought him to justice! I just think this proves that Bush never really cared about bringing bin Laden to justice for the 3,000 who were murdered on 9/11/01, and instead saw the attacks as a golden opportunity to do what he's always wanted to do, and that is, invade Iraq!

How old were you when you got your first horse?

I see many people on YA! are saddened that they do not have their own horse and even believe they won't be able to get one. Here's the thing: there is always hope!

Im working as netwrk admin with MCSE and inter. My dream is to work with CSC like company, Is it possible?

I have completed intermediate with bi.p.c. And i finished MCSE certification. Working as network admin in a software company. Its a small company. I had an experience of 2.5 years. My dream is to work in a company like CSC, IBM, Microsoft. I am very confident with my knowledge. If interviews placed i can definitly go through it. Can i enter these companies with my qualifications? If so please tell me the process. I dont want to cheat anybody with fake degrees and all. I know in background check everything will be gathered. Or tell me is there any short-term course which i can do to enter these MNC's. I have tallent, im 100% confident about it, but there is no way to prove it. Please help me in this regard.

What crochet stitches are good to use if you're trying to show texture with fuzzy yarn?

the stitches are going to get lost in the fuzziness of your yarn. If you REALLY want texture, the best you can do is a popcorn stitch.

Why Do People Say i Walk Like a Girl!?

Wel I'm Pretty Poplar At school But Recely Gils Ben Saying I Walk Lke a Girl I Walk with my hands in my pockets some time and when im standing there i put in my back pocket but they dont care they just say it to me lol. ans one Said ya you Walk like yo have a D*** in my A**

Dose my dad have the right to do this.?

well when i was at a sleep over he got my phone and he read all my tex that i sent out and i have got from other people and all the ones i sent had bad words so he took it away then i was talking to me friend who was at my house and said the b and f word then he said that her mom was here then when she was gone he said go to your room and i said no then he said NOW and i went 10 minuets later he came in and said i told you 3 times you may not cuss and you still do it so now you may get your mouth wash out i said no i will stop and he did it and fyi ivory soap is nasty and hard to get out of your mouth i am 12 and yes he did tell me not talk like that

"I just want to focus on my salad"?

Could someone post a link to a video where Martha Stewart says this famous quote? It was said during (I think) an interview on CBS in 2005, but I can't find it anywhere.

Why might low comedy be considered suitable in a story of sorcery?

Sorcery is an idea that came about in the context of religion. You had early christians believing that the devil endowed some people with unholy powers. This sets the seen for a more dark and mystical topic and the use of comedy would seem out of place when dealing with something considered mysterious and satanic. That being said in this day and age sorcery is regarded as a myth like dragons and whatnot so its common to see light hearted stories involving "fun", "good" or "cool" sorcery like Harry Potter or wizards in Lord of the Rings...

Sister-in-law says I never go anywhere?

And the beat goes on and on and acid tongue sister-in-law called me up after she got back from her yearly vacation to another state with her girlfriends. She has vacationed all over the map through the years. I commented that I heard on tv that the airlines were going to make the suitcase measurements smaller. She said, what do you care? You never go anywhere anyways. Well...let's see: 1) I recently lost my spouse and that extra income 2) I got laid off and I am currently looking for a job that will probably pay alot less 3) The economy isn't exactly the greatest right now. yes, I do count my pennies. I doubt if I could afford to go anywhere now or in the future except my backyard and if I could it certainly wouldn't be to see her. I don't bemoan the people that can afford to travel. It's great if they can. Besides she needs to get a "real job" instead of living off my brother for the past 10 years as payback for supporting him through college. She ragged on him to do something with his life which he did and now she uses that as her weapon not to work anymore. Some people are so clueless. People say I am too nice and to just let it p. I get tired of "being nice" though. Just a rant.

What singer/songwriter should i do my report on out of these, or other suggestions...?

i don't know if your familiar with country music but allan jackson has wrote almost every song he has recorded he has countless number 1 hits and is just a down right good person check him out

What to do with this girl?

I had a girlfriend that I really cared about. She had dated a kid about a year ago. Call him john. They had dated for a couple years before we started dating. This girl was rather promiscuous but i didn't care, i decided to go for it anyway. We dated for six months, then broke up. Got together a couple months later, and just now broke up again. She said she wanted to be friends and all that. Then i found out that she went and had with john three days after we ended. Three days! She says she loves him and that was her justification. Total crap, and i told her that. She says she still wants to be friends and am very hesitant to tell her i don't want to be friends anymore. I sound like a moron but yeah. She did some stuff like this in the past too. I know i should just say forget it all and ditch her completely, but i just can't bring myself to do it. Any suggestions?

Black girls:Would you date this white dude?

I would date a guy of any race but specifically him EESH! heck no. he's way too skinny and i am not digging the beard. honestly i would have to agree with you. What does she see in him? I guess she loves him for what is in the inside. hopefully.

John Lynch 10th most feared tackler of all time tv doentary?

he should have been the highest ranked safety on the list. ask marshall faulk, he's admitted he was the hardest hitter

What keeps a 94 ford probe gt with a 2.5L from getting fire?

Your distributor may have failed.They are known for faulty distributors. I had to replace mine twice. They go bad from underhood heat. Get a rebuilt one from Autozone. They are easy to install too!

30 spf sunscreen or moisturizer with spf 45?

im on retin-a (at night) and duac gel (daytime). my skin is excessively oily and i have cystic acne. i am also taking the birth control microgestin (my acne might be hormonal, says OB-GYNE). i was advised to use sunscreen on face bec. of retin-a use. i bought aveeno sunscreen for the face with spf 30 (yellow bottle/tube), and i also bought neutrogena healthy defense moisturizer with spf 45. i dont know which to use, the one that acts primarily as sunscreen but lower spf, or the moisturizer but has a higer spf? i dont know if i need a moisturizer bec. my skin hasnt been drying out unlike other people's experience with retin-a. (i repeat, my skin is still oily)ive tried using both alternately but havent broken out so far. but i tan easily (i dont think i burn, i am a medium-complexioned, filipina)thanks for any input!

I bought this military ring in kuwait around the end of october and need to know the companies name?

they charged my card on the first and its an irish compaines tht says it take a month to send the ring and its been three months and i havent got anything in the mail so if anybody knows if i was scamed or soething or know the name of it let me know plz

Are the 2007-2008 New England Patriots the best team in the history of the NFL?

or is their legacy tainted because they got caught cheating week 1 vs. the Jets? or is their overall legacy tainted like those 3 recent Superbowls they won since the coach was the same and coaches usually don't change their overall game plan so they could have easily cheated.


Both games have very good defenses. I'll say jets-steelers because their QBs aren't afraid to throw the deep ball in the endzone.


You didnt actually post a question, you just described some activities you enjoy. Stay clean, work hard be yourself, Chicks dig confident guys.

Ares Vista?

Once I get connected and try to download a song, it wont let the transfer start until I register, which means I have to pay! I thought this was supposed to be free?? Is there anyway around this? and if not.. what other programs should i try???

Where's the best place to get deferred-payment, low-interest loans?

I'm heading to grad school and need to find loans (other than FAFSA) that will defer my payment until after graduation (~2 years), at the best possible interest rate; any suggestions for places to apply? Would I generally be offered a lower interest rate in exchange for having a co-signer? Any info would help greatly!! Thanks.

Would you c/c this poem/writ Please. TY?

Gurl I liked it! :) you kept it as simple, as love is, and a tale of truth for a country pumkin to enjoy. You paint the scenery of youth and time with a nice flow.. Thank you for the smile you gave me this morning. Dana

Would any Obama supporter snitch on a child rapist in Oakland?

Liberalism is the answer to your question. Liberalism protected that sub-human piece of garbage when he should have already been in prison and liberalism helped make widows and orphans of the families of the four police officers who died trying to take that s into custody.

What is the name of the plastic people use to make ski boxes?

im building my own ski/snowboard box but I forgot the name of the plastic used for the flat surface of the box. its like white and strong.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Need a good catchy name for an online craft store consisting of designer style infant and childrens wear?

WWW kidz (world wide womb) lol yea goofy I know but it was the first thing I thought of....Crafty Baby Boutique maybe

Hinduism: Scientifically Advanced?

Throughout history, Hindus have always been very advanced in many different things. Their religion is a contributing factor in this but even apart from religious teachings, Hindus have done a lot.

I got a 1690 on my that bad?

Yeah it's kinda bad, but you are sooo close to the 1700's that if you try again you will probably break that score! I heard that certain sat prep programs help students raise their scores 300 points! Hopefully if you study a ton, you can go over 2000 and be accepted into really good colleges.

Did Bush and Cheney proceed with Iraqi War to delay (hide) economic disaster or did the war create the bust?

Just think about it! The Housing crisis alone could have been resolved, but sprinkle on 2 Wars, and then pour some gas on it(4.00 a gallon) and you get a recession!

How do you view the contents of your ipod on itunes?

You need to click on the name of your device but not actually on the gray triangle. The line will highlight and then you'll see all the device playlists. Under those you'll see the playlists on iTunes (on the computer).

Radioactive decay question (with the equation)?

if you start with 8000 atoms that's approximate half life is 1600 years, how much would remain after 3200 years?

Is Obama the first ethically different President that more people can identify with?

You probably meant "ethnically". But if you did mean, is he any "ethically different" then you do not know Chicago style politics.

Soft Clical composers?

Hi all,I'm looking forward for some soft clical composers (if it's possible with piano works),for example I like the softers of Beethoven,Chopin,Mozart,Bach and Handel,but the faster ones use to shake me altough I know they are great compositions.

Hello, I want to rent a car to drive from playa del carmen to chitzen itza in Mexico. Any advice?

I would definitely recommend taking the bus trip. Renting a car in Mexico can be a mess and they traffic is really crazy. Plus if you get lost most areas no one speaks English.

Anyone know where I can find lyrics to "Whatch Gonna Do About Me" (or similar title) by Richie Havens?

Heard this song last week on "The Deep End with Nick Michaels" and I loved it...want to find the lyrics, been all over the internet and can find very few lyrics for Richie Havens. That might not be the exact name of the song--could be "What You Gonna Do About Me" or something very similar to that....the song went something like "I am a starving child, whatcha gonna do about me? I am a polluted planet, whatcha gonna do about me?" or something along those lines...not exactly sure...but it was very deep, very powerful...HELP! Thank you in advance! :)

I need easy website building software ?

I'm looking for website software that is really easy to use and can edit templates I have that were made with DreamWeaver. DW is over my head and I only know the basics of creating websites. No freeware just purchased/pro versions please, doesn't matter how much it is.

Is world going to explode this way?

i have just read about the possibility of war between Turkey and syria, then i realized the followings, iran will react against NATO and turkey, Azeri turks of iran will begin a rebellion and turkish neighboring countries will support them, china and russia will interfere, USA and europe will get in........

What would you call concession stand food for Halloween?

We are having a Halloween carnival complete with a concession stand. I want to name our food and drinks gross names. I saw one online that called their hot dogs rot dogs. We will have all the basic concession stand stuff. Let me know if you have any ideas! Our carnival will be next week. Thanks! Mandy

What do you think of women making false accusations of ?

It sucks, It happened to me several years ago and the DA believed me, After i spent 2 weeks in jail, those *****-- are sick in the head. You never know what those dumb chickes will do any more, they're sick sick sick.. spam boy is a jerk, I beleive he thinks he's a god cause it hasn't happened to him, i say to him rot in he-l spam kid...

Use these names to name three boys?

Perry Winston, Forrest Keefe, Oliver Winston, Lyndon Alan, Oliver Ren, Lyndon Asher, Sterling Keefe, Anthony Beaumont

Who is the best mma fighter?

It has to be between Georges St Pierre, Fedor Emelianenko, and Anderson Silva. Some of St. Pierre's notable wins include a unanimous decision victory over Karo Parisyan, a T.K.O win over Jay Hieron, a submission win over Frank Trigg, a T.K.O win over Sean Sherk, 2 wins over B.J. Penn, 2 wins over Matt Hughes, a T.K.O. over Matt Serra, and a unanimous decision victory over Jon Fitch. St. Pierre was submitted by Hughes early in his career and has been tko'ed by Matt Serra but has more than avenged his losses. Fedor Emelianenko holds notable wins include a T.K.O. victory over Heath Herring, 2 unanimous decision wins over Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira, a submission win over Mark Coleman, a unanimous decision victory over Mirko Filipović, a submission win over Tim Sylvia, and a K.O. over Andrei Arlovski. He suffered a T.K.O. loss to Tsuyoshi Kohsaka due to a cut and a no contest with Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira. Anderson Silva's notable wins include a unanimous decision win over Jeremy Horn, a K.O. win over Chris Leben, 2 K.O. wins over Rich Franklin, a submission win over Travis Lutter, a T.K.O. win over Nate Marquardt, a submission win over Dan Henderson, and a K.O. win over James Irvin. Silva's losses include a split decision loss to Luiz Azeredo, a submission loss to Daiju Takase, a disqualification loss to Yushin Okami, and a submission loss to Ryo Chonan. My pick for the best mma fighter is George St. Pierre.George has displayed amazing, well rounded skills against high quality opposition and is a finisher and has has killer instinct. Fedor has also displayed amazing skills but has not faced as many high quality opponents as George has. Fedor is also a finisher with killer instinct. Anderson has some quality wins and displays awesome muay thai skills. I believe that Anderson is not a mean person and is not a finisher. Anderson may be afraid of killing someone in the ring, he is definitely capable of doing so. Anderson also does not have as many high quality wins as Georges and Fedor do. So who is your pick for the best mma fighter?

Freeware stealth keylogger?

a href="" rel="nofollow" 30-day free trial, long enough for you

How to sharpen a low quality video???

i downloaded a video from youtube. it's a very important evidence of a bully case. i need to get a clear image of it. coul u guys please help me on how to sharpen the image..???

My boyfriend has betrayed me?

i have a boyfriend, we have a kid together. of late, he has really changed! he talks to me rudely, use abusive words and just reacts to me like his immediate enemy. i wanted to know why all this is happening, and luckyly found out that he is having a relationship. i asked him but he said that she is just a friend, and i as well contacted the lady and she said likewise. i am really torn apart,cos i had future plans with this guy but now he has really hurted me , betrayed me. oh, we have a distant relationship, but despite all that, i thought i could trust him! what should i do?

Do you think the president election thing is based on race and gender?

That is the ONLY reason why a small town mayor with two years as governor was chosen to run for a position one heartbeat away from the most important job in the world.

Do all promiscuous women have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Just about everything nowadays is considered a mental disorder isn't it? Are any of these mental disorders real or is it made up junk created by the mental health institute? Masturbation, The color of a person skin (African American), ity and Nymphomania were all considered mental illnesses until people came to their senses to find out it is all FAKE mental illness. Jeez, if a woman has more than three partners in her lifetime she is considered a mental case with a made up disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder which will probably be retracted in two years time by the DSM and they will add new fake mental disorders on their list. Where is Thomas Szasz when we need him?

How long do Virgin Mobile prepaid phones last?

You don't have to order one you can buy one at Target or Wal-Mart and they are made by Kyocera. They are very well made an I have had Virgin for years with very few problems except some trivial billing stuff. Service anywhere that Sprint is since they share everything by agreement. Excellent phone. Excellent company. There is no expiration. They just continue on a monthly basis. I have them take it right out of my account every month.

I am falling for my teacher?

Illegal. Good luck, kid. If he gets caught, he'll get fired. Depending on the state, he could get arrested to. So you might be ruining his life if you let this happen. Hopefully he's not married, because then he'd be jobless, in jail, and divorced.

Combustion Temperature?

What will be the maximum combustion temperature of Natural gas inside the Combustion chamber of a boiler?

Is it unattractive to have a face shape like this?

I see nothing unattractive by the shape of your face, you a really beautiful. Hope my answer was helpful?

Paranoid or what do you think?

Have bn through a really stressful time as of late and have broken up with my partner so here it goes... We had on August 9th and condom slipped.. so had to take plan b.. Have bn off the pill as was having medical stuff done.. anyways a week later had a very light period on Aug 17th.. Ended up around end of Aug and they did a blood test (preg) which wld have bn abt 11 days after . When I had the bleed on aug 17th i umed it was my period and went back on the pill and had a normal bleed then the docs were concerned with my blood pressure and told me to come off it and i went on to have a natural bleed on October 15th.. I am feeling bloated and kept on feeling lik twinges on one side of my abdomen. I have put on a couple of pounds and am stressing more because of breakup and going in and out of hospital to have procedures done on my back for pain as result of accident. Was put on meds which gave me an awful taste put this has now stopped.. I had a preg blood test done yesterday and will get results tomorrow. I have done numerous urine tests all negative.. just wondering what you think?? could it be pregnancy or am i just stressing out because of what has happened

Using stoichiometric factor calculation, how is this solved?

The phosphorous in a 0.2374 gram sample was precipitated as the slightly soluble (NH4)3.12MoO3. This precipitate was filtered, washed, and then redissolved in acid. Treatment of the resulting solution with an excess of Pb2+ was resulted in the formation of 0.2752g of PbMoO4. Express the results of this ysis in terms of percent P2O5.

Guy trouble pleasee helpp! 10 ponits to best answer!?

you have to choose one or you will lose them both later choose the one that you love more and love you more.

Friday, August 12, 2011

A 1.0 L flask contains 0.40 g O2 at a temperature of 20�C. What is the pressure (in atm) inside the flask?

For this you need the ideal gas equation PV=nRT (pressure x volume=moles of gas x constant x temperature in Kelvin [Celsius + 273]) You need to convert grams into moles for n and enter the other numbers to solve for P which is ATMs of pressure. The constant R is 0.0821 x 10^14.

My 2003 navigator wont go over 20 mph, what's wrong with it?

My navigator was acceleratinging up to 20 mph, then wouldn't go higher, then i would take my foot off the gas and push it back down and it would go up to 30 mph and so on, and so forth, someone told me it was my cad converters, then i was told that because smoke is blowing out of my exhaust that it probably just needed a tune up and oil change, which is correct? Please help!!

Can the Celtics do any of the following to become title contenders again?

C and one of D should happen. Could they beat the Heat and the Bulls with that team to win in the East? I don't know. But I never saw the Mavericks coming this year either. The weak point is center. I don't think Jermaine will be back. Oden or Dalembert are possibilities.

Is human life a veil of woe?

not a "veil" of woe, but a reality of woe. Lord Buddha said that to be born is misery; to grow old is misery; to be ill is misery; to die is misery. but we get used to it, as we get used to everything that we cannot avert.

Let's try this again, Anybody know any good baby boy names? :)?

I'm not sure about the is unique though. I guess my opinion of name would depend on the last name or if I could know the first letter of it. I do like Deon, but I like DeAundre better...Chase is very cute!! Stage names sound very good when the first letter of the last name and the first letter of last name are the same. Like if your last name was Smith. I would suggest Sedrick Jace Smith. Best of luck with finding a baby name!!

I post to a group I'm subscribed to; messages get spam-binned. Why, if I'm subscribed? And how can I stop it?

Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't: I post to a group, and the message never appears. I ask the moderator to check for me, and sure enough, my message is sitting in the spam-bin, waiting to be approved or denied. (I'm not the only user on this group this happens to, either.)

Is this a good start to a story?

The start is relatively goodd but instead of adding every time when you descibe how she got certain injures say " Are you alrihgt" the same question he asked since that horrible night. and use this to describe the rope injury. " he touch the cut on my wrist where the rope left that scar. its eternal reminder of what that beast had done to me." well i hope that helps

Im unsure if ill have any luck in my dating (personal) life or not. Help?!?

K, heres the thing: Ive talked to this girl 4 almost a half-year now (ive talked to her through one of my freinds). The thing is - i know what she looks like, but she doesnt know about me. But im unsure - i wasnt very succesefull in terms of dating and this stuff, and i feel like if ill ask her to meet me somewhere someday, shell take that as a sort of joke or a prank and will think that i am a sort of a stalker. And, i dont even know what am i supposed to think now. Like i said, ive never had serious relationships with a girl before, so i dont know what to do. Plus, if id tell anyone in high school i have a gf, theyll laugh at me and say that im laughing. And i dont think any girls (at least from those that i know) have a crush on me. What am i doing now?

What do I do about her??

My now fiance cheated on me and left me last June, and now we're back together but the other girl is pregnant, i'm in a different state than those two at the moment and I'm terrified that he's going to go back to her because she's having his kid (she's due in eight weeks) and i don't know what to do. i keep having these god awful dreams about the two of them and it's really frustrating because even though he tells me over and over again that he's not going back to her, it's hard for me to trust him because he's left me for her before, and he had no reason, what's to stop him from doing it again, and this time he HAS a reason. I don't know what to do or think or would be mucho appreciated. Thnx!

Famous American with a paradox life?

For an englsih project we have to do someone who lived a paradox/contradicitng life. for instance johnny cash had a horrible drug problem but had amazing music. Any ideas? they can be dead or alive as long as they have an autobiography or biography i can read about them and are American.

Do you think McCain has any chance of winning female voters, when he teams up with ists like Clayton?

Yeah, and Clayton raised $300,000 for McCain who bailed on showing up to the fundraiser, but took the money. Maybe McCain told his fundraiser Clayton to lay back and enjoy being robbed and snookered.

What does it mean to have EWCM two times about a week apart?

Ok, I have been charting my CM and it has been normal, i would have it once in a cycle, and i was pretty sure I would ovulate. But this month my husband and I are trying to get pregnant. So I had my EWCM right on time, and now it is back! And i'm only a week away from AF. What does this mean??? Whats going on??? Is it that I could be pregnant??? We BD everyday of the first CM, for about a week. Please any info would be great!!! Thanks so much!!! And lots of baby dust!!!


ok so heres the deal> im sick and tired of people tellin me to eat all kinds of things that i dont have in the house to loose weight so im gonna tell you what i do have in my house thats healthy: i have chicken< cornbread>egss>chilliice cream>and a few banquets!!!!!!! so can someone tell me a few meals until i go grocerie store with my did and also tell me a few healthy fruits and veggies to get when i go grocerie shopping!!!!!! oh yea i also want to know what are cardio excersizes and what kind i can do to get fit and healthy and maybe loose a few pounds!!!!!!!!!!but anyways plz help help HELP i really really REALLY need it cuz it will mean alot and help alot>>>>>>>>>>THANKS!

How do Muslims view Santa Claus?

Giving gifts to each other is a good humane act & every religion appreciate it. You can Do it as a good gesture & not as an obligatory ritual then no problem in it.

I'm trying to find out the name of a Death Wish 2 clone movie I saw in the 80's?

Was it "Sudden Impact" with Clint Eastwood from 1983? Sandra Locke and her sister were d by a biker gang and the sister ends up catatonic. Sandra Locke goes around exacting revenge on the bikers while Dirty Harry Callahan tries to track her down.

Good songs from SNL digital shorts?

I want to add some SNL songs to my iPod. I already have J**z in my pants and Like A Boss. I don't want I'm On A Boat. I just don't like that one. Any others that are good? Thanks!

Do you think Tracy Tracy would hook up with me?

Are you one of multiple personalities? She may wanna hook up with you but what about the other 26 people she also is? I think if you have multiple personalities too it gives the others she has something to choose from.

What to wear in cosplay~ "Tifa Lockheart"?

guys i need your help~ we're going to have a cosplay in my school but until now i dont have a costume to wear~ im thinking of wearing "Tifa lockheart" bec. they told me that i look like her~ but my problem is that i dont have time to buy my costume and im sure its expensive~ so~ is there any idea for that? it must be cheaper...

What is the best casino game?

black jack or roulette is the best ,because there is a chance for human error . The slot machines are programmed for so many winners and losers . besides there is so many odds with black jack and roulette . Your chances of winning are pretty good if your skilled in mathematics

Do you think there are other "Human" Like Life forms out there, Amongst us?

There are Billions of Galaxies, are we Alone or Not? If you go outside at night, can You look up and just say "Well thats It" Or can you Say "Hmmmm, It's Beautiful, and I wanna Know more" Or "Okay, which Star is a different Galaxy and is there someone looking at Earth from there..." (Be Honest)

Is this morally right or wrong : for a woman to maintain close platonic friendship with a married man?

I would say we are very emotional people and sometimes our emotions override our thought process. We don't take into account how our actions may cause other harm. The two people are only thinking of themselves. Both people seem lonely. The man is without his wife, and the woman is not in a relationship. The two have taken comfort with each other, and I believe it has turned into something more than just being friends. I think the two people need to take in account their relationship, and the other people around them.

Marginal cost C'(q)=2q^2-q+100, fixed cost is $1000, what's cost of 6 items?

well, put 6 into the function and calculate the cost. Then add it to the fixed cost, then you will find the cost of 6 items.

How to make eyes appear smaller?

There's a party that I'm going to we have to dress up as wacky characters and I'm going as one of those little girls in almost all Gwen Stefani's music vids. How can I make my eyes appear smaller/more asian?

What was your most and least useful baby item?

A stroller is the most useful thing and a play pen i would say but mainly a high chair just sit them and they can do a thousand things in there. The least I would those big toys that are just in the way because at the age of like 3 and up they will want toys but any younger than that they just play with diaper boxes man

Why do creationists dishonestly use the following quote to try to show that even Darwin doubted evolution?

The creationists use the technique of "cherry picking" phrases which are out of context to use as argument.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where can I watch "Life In A Day" online?

Life In A Day is the new doentary released yesterday or today (I think by National Geographic) and compiles YouTube videos all filmed on the same day. Thanks in advance!

What does Harman's "Equality" Bill hope to achieve?

No i don't think you've red the Bill at all. all it wants to do is give women equality in the work place. IE if a woman is doing the same job as a man and has the same qualifications. then she should be payed the same as a man.. IE a man and woman doing the same job would get the same pay. at the moment in reality if a man and woman are doing the same job and have the same qualifications. the man will often be payed more just because he's a man. is that fair. i don't think so.

I'm afraid of two things please help me?

Okay when I was in first and second grade I had excellent test scores and they put me in discovery but soon took me out because my teacher was an . After that I hated school and I was jealous of the other kids for being in the discovery program "for smart kids" and I would just guess on the standardized test (except for the years I needed to be promoted to the next grade level), but I always guessed on the ITBS (was not required to be promoted). So I always had been a "B" student (honor roll). Then in 7th grade I started taking school seriously again and I became an "A/B" student, I even scored on the gifted level in 8th grade, I even got an 85% on the EOCT(for algebra 1). Even though I did better I still guessed on the ITBS (which turned out to be the test to determine whether you were gifted). So I get to high school and first semester I had straight "A's", then second semester I had a ***** for a literature teacher who dropped my "A" to a "B" but I got a 90% on the EOCT. The problem is I didn't take advanced cles (not good for transcript). I did good the rest of the year getting an 88% on the biology EOCT and an 91% on the geometry EOCT. So next year (sopre) I get straight "A's" first semester (while taking advanced cles) and scored an 91% on the physical science EOCT. By the looks of my progress report card I will get straight "A's" for second semester. The problem is I see other people taking AP world history (most dropped out and are in my accelerated world history cl) and accelerated chemistry (counselor wouldn't let me take until junior year). Some of them down me for taking easy cles like home economics, physical education, and spanish 1. The reason I'm taking p.e. is because I need 2 credits of p.e. and I never took spanish freshmen year because I was in the orchestra, and I had home economic last year so I wanted it again. The main things I am worried about though are a) how well will I do in college b) AP cles (for college transcript) can I keep up c) have i learned enough to do well on the SAT/ACT. I have a current 4.0 GPA and an overall 3.9 GPA and I don't want AP cles to pull it down, also do advanced classes look just as good on your transcript? I am in the same exact classes with gifted/magnet students but I have higher grades in the class than they do ( I always said its just a title). I have yet to take the SAT/ACT but I have taken the PSAT twice and I haven't done so well. So my question is do you think I have the potential to do well in college?

Should i report my dentist?

i think you should seriously consider reporting this person, it sounds to me that they are trying to get money out of you. i am a dental istant and that is NOT normal procedure even though i dont work directly in that specific department.

Im 14 years old wanna lose weigh?

im 14 years old and i weigh 103 pounds and im little for my age lke 5"1" and i wanna be 85 pounds by befor bed i do 3 sets of crunches different kinds, 3 sets of push ups, 3 sets of legs workouts, and everynight it changes from 3 sets to 4 sets then back to 3 sets, i just started on friday and i wanna know something else i can do, and i dont wanna go on a DEIT . please give me some advice or some websites. thanks :)

Richard ramirez, the night stalker?

Anybody know whatever happened to Richard Ramirez, 1980's Cal m murderer that the press called the night stalker? They even made a TV movie about his murder spree and capture?

How long will you continue to deny?

First of all, there is no star named "Arcuturus." Secondly, the notion that a giant nuclear furnace half again the m of the sun could "ascend" anywhere is ludicrous. We do know for sure that the star Arcturus was in existence 36 years ago. Third, Vega is a star even hotter than the sun, so it would be a poor choice for a "home world."

Two down, loads more to go!!!!?

ok so my AF showed up this morning (boo!) a little bummed but hey, things take time right? It was my 2nd month of ttc baby #2. If all you wonderful women who have been trying for months and months can keep trying then so can I. Hope everyone in their 2WW get their BFP's and to those who don't, hang in there and keep trying, we'll get our too soon!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE !!!! XXXXXXXXX

Why are Americans so anti-big government?

The government should not be allowed to control everything. The private sector has made a mess of things also. Their has to be a balance we can't let Wall St and the oil companies just run away with America. The government let the private sector send our jobs to other countries. I feel they are both to blame. We need term limits on ALL politicians, no more 25 and 30 year terms.

Are there any born again Christians who are democrats?

I am just curious because it seems like they are all republicans. I was wondering if anybody knows of an evangelical democrat.

Who thinks Gwen should win on Total Drama Island?

I am a big fan of total drama island and I want to know who wants Gwen to win oh yeah if you want that fat tub of lard Owen to win don`t answer this

Song Lyrics by who??

I keep seeing the lyrics "How seldom we belong but how elegant our kiss". What song & artist is this from?? I heard Norma Jean?? Any information would be appreciated.

I'm waver position #1! Who should I pick up in Fantasy Football?

I'd go with Manningham. He looks to be Eli's goto guy. There's a chance Celek may make it to your second pick. He's still available in my 12 team league after 2 weeks.

How long does it take to crochet a queen or king size afghan?

I'm pretty good at crochet. I'm doing one in a double crochet ripple pattern...I need to know how long it will take because I've never done one before. I'm using the Super Saver Red Heart yarn from Walmart.

Need Help for the Christmas season?

Money very low this years, getting evicted, gas off, Lots of children looking for mommy to play santa claus. Are there any agencies that can help me in Long Beach calif. Help.

Is the organic product marketed as Slug Stoppa effective in deterring slugs and snails in the garden.?

Try Budweiser beer in a shallow bowl. They get drunk and drown. I have done it many times and if you put sand or salt around the edge it acts like razor blades to their bodies. Be careful what you use though. You don't want to alter the pH of the soil in your garden! Good Luck!

Do you like Bruno Mars?

Yes!!!! His voice is sooo like smooth and perfectly clear you know? It's like a soft swirly smoothie that plays music or a soft kind wind to your ears.... :) but yes I love Grenade, Marry You, Just the way you are and a bunch of other songs:)

Lol, how comes no one panics over swine flu anymore?

It's not like it was defeated, how comes people stopped panicking? :D I have a flu right now and I'm still alive, last time I was ill people were running away from me and no one even kindly showed up to give me the homework, now I have a flood of people around me? The fnck?

Why is my vision so horrible?

I thought vision was hereditary, but my mother has 20/20 vision and my father only uses very thin gles for reading. When I was four or five it was discovered my vision is 20/200. I'm 17 now. With gles it is corrected to 20/20 but they are so thick that they make my eyes look huge and it makes me feel like I look like a freak, so I hate wearing them, but without them I am legally blind. Nobody, not even anyone in my extended family, has vision anywhere near this bad, so why me???

What do you think of this person's letter to a friend of mine ?

My best guess is this is a real coward. He can make all the threats and insults he wants from the relative safety of his computer room.I would be willing to bet that if he was face to face with your friend and confronted on this he would be crying for his mommy.This is equal to what we call Trucking Rambo's. They scream and shout and threaten people on the CB radio all the time, but for all the threats they make we never see two truckers fighting beside the road. Its easy to make threats from the comfort of your home but something else when confronted face to face.

Any suggestions for a 3 person band name?

im making a 3 person band and want a good name, cant think of anything, but i want something that ends in trio

Physics help please?

if i can remember there is an equation this is a really simple problem. f=1/T set that equal. .38=1/t so t=1/.38 where t is time. ok just found it the period is T=2pi x sqroot (L/g) so L=(T/2pi)^2 x g where pi=3.14159 T=1/.38 and g =9.8. havent checked the answer but hope that helps.

Slumbdog millionaire child star homeless and the director being accused for not doing enough? WTF?

whent he child was thrown out of his home by the the stupid government, the family had requested for a home, but heard nothing from the government.....why is the director of the movie being put under the microscope and blamed for not doing enough? what about the their government....they show such little care for the well beings of the child, why are any negative comments about them plastered all over the media

I'm told I'm really pretty, gorgeous etc but when I take a pic I think I look ugly?

Why?Why?Why? I look in the mirror - looks nice. take a picture - ewww. seriously this sucks. Anyone wanna help me out? :(

Subs that won't blow out..?

Ugh, so today my Eclipse amp destroyed yet another sub, putting the total body count at 3. I first had a 10" JBL, lasted a little while then blew out, then a pioneer 10, lasted about 5 minutes, then a Kenwood 10", I thought it was great until it fried today..sigh. Anyway, I just want a goddam sub that isn't gonna blow out im sick of ******* replacing these things. Looking for some suggestions for a good sub that isn't gonna fry for a loooong time, my amp is 650 RMS (I THINK) Not positive on that one. Also don't tell me to turn my gain down because I have had it at LESS THAN A THIRD, not even ******* twelve O'clock, for the duration of my ownership of the amp. And I'm not sure about the Eclipse amp's wattage so if someone could tell me if there is anyway to figure it out for sure that would be great, it's silver if that helps lol

Would you rather your favorite NFL team move out of town.........?

...and have no team in your city, or keep your team, but have to switch rosters (players, coaches, front office personnel the whole boat) with the Denver Broncos.

I want to conserve my ,2 month wear, contact lends for 2 months or more. does any product exist to conserve?

the title says it, i have 2 month wear colored contact lends, and im planing on use it around 2 times every month during the whole year, i want to know the name of that product ( a liquid i suppose ) if it exists, that can conserve the contacts. To not end up with infected/expired contacts 3 months after i opened, that was used 9 days...

Need Help Identifying Song!!!!?

its not a song but a sort of tune. i heard it in richie rich the movie not the christmas one. its the tune played when the proffesor is videotaping a commercial for his particle laser thingy. please i need help knowing the name of this song. ive heard it in various of other movies and games. ive already checked the soundtrack but it doesnt have it listed.

Does my mother sound verbally/mentally abusive?

yes your mother is being verbally & mentally abusive, u need 2 tell someone that u can trust to help u, a grown-up that will do something about your situation NOW!! i feel she's also physically abusive towards u 2-ripping your hair out!! you're not in a normal situation, so it's understandable that u feel that u hate your mom, she needs help, but so do you, tell a teacher/counselor, a priest anyone u can trust that will help u-your gramma an aunt or uncle, good luck to you

How do I get this kid to leave me alone?

Im in year 8 and I'm 13, and this boy in the year below me is like 11 or 12. Me and my friend were sat on the bag racks at school and he kept grinning and me then came over and sat right next to me and was like 'Alright babe?' I completely blanked him cos he came over as proper y and arrogant. And earlier today I needed to go through some double doors at school and he was holding them shut, so I said 'Scuse'. and he was like 'Nah' so I said 'Dude. Move it.' and he said 'Aw alright I'll let you through'. And then I was walking through the corridor at school and he was walking the opposite way (the corridors are reeally tiny at my school) and he was coming straight at me, then at the last minute he ducked and moved out of the way. He's really short and y and arrogant. How can I get him to leave me alone?

Do you have memories of any past lives? If so, what are they?

As a child, I found that I would have recurring visions of scenes and situations from past times. They often came up in my dreams, although some would also be triggered by mundane events, such as unwrapping a piece of chocolate. I believe that most of the memories stem from five past lives. I believe the oldest is a life in which I am a child viewing the northern lights. In another, I was a Roman soldier who was killed when a building collapsed on him. I also remember being a woman at a churchyard in the 1600's. I was also a boy, a blacksmith's apprentice, who was shoved into a furnace along with his master during the Revolutionary War (hence I hate war). Most memories stem from my immediate past life, in which I was a woman who lived from the 1880's to the 1960's. In that life, I started out in a rural area, received a college education, travelled to Europe, and died well-off. I would like to be hypnotized eventually to learn more about these lives.

How does my team look? PPR league?

I will give it an 8 out of 10. QB situation looks pretty good if Cel can continue his good work in KC your backup will be good too. WR's are pretty good, but I would almost start Henry instead of Bowe. Everyone is on this Bowe kick and I just don't think he is going to have a great year. RB's are ok, and if Brown can prove himself and take over Addai's spot, you might have yourself a sleeper backup RB.

Where can i apply to become a video game tester?

Go to the web sites for each game designer (eab, rockstar, etc.) and check their careers page; sometimes they post for testers.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Can a flat screen lcd monitor be converted to a tv or used for a computer game?

I have a 19" color lcd flat screen monitor in perfect condition, I just upgraded to a larger monitor and would like to use it for my granddaughters game that requires a tv.

Do you wish America had a Fair & Balanced like FOX media instead of the 5th Column Fourth Estate, Lib bias one?

Absolutely. But I don't foresee that anytime soon. For now we are stuck with a far left liberal biased activist media.

What words rhyme with cheat, other than patriots and packers?

That is the most ignorant statement ive heard in a while, okay the patriots i agree with but the packers? What did the packers do? There a fantastic football team that is very capable of making the super bowl this year.

Shave Rash??

Hey! I am 18 and have just recently started shaving, the hair on my face is quite course. the day after i shave the skin under my chin and around my jaw starts to burn, i develop small red bumps that are painfull.. i am using a mac 3 razor, and niva sensitive shave cream? how can i prevent this problem.. cheers

Is kickboxing a hard sport to learn?

I'm twenty and kind of interested in this form of exercising/sport. I've done a little boxing, gloves and things but I never really tried this sport itself. Can it be self-taught or are cles necessary? Also, am I too old to learn? lol. Thanks.

The effect of temperature on vapor pressure of ethanol?

I want to write a discussion on this, is it a straight line? if so can i get an explanation why. Thanks in advance question! Fake CHI?

Okay so I recently bought a CHI straightener from and it seems to be working pretty good but it doesn't feel the way my OLD CHI feels like. The outside isn't sleek and smooth, it's kind of rough and has the words FAROUK SYSTEMS USA imprinted on the outside along with the words CHI imprinted on it too. Now that I'm looking at it, it looks nothing like the CHI that I bought at Costco and broke after 2 years of usage. The LED on is red instead of clear when it's off, the warning on the inside is a sticker and not carved on like it should be and the plug is sort of different too, the Reset on is a little horizontal oval and the Test on is a small yellow circle plus the plug little things are copper color instead of silver. After doing some research I'm starting to think it's a fake but I'm still not 100% sure. I don't get why folica would send me a fake one if their website is supposed to be like super legit. Could you please help me? I don't know what do if it turns out to be an actual fake. What do I do? PLEASE HELP! Why would Folica scam me?

Ideas needed for what my character can do?

your right those characteristics would make her a bit of a cliche. How about dropping the super ninja thing and giving her more of a dark mental ability? something like being able to reach into someones mind and pull out there deepest, darkest, most paralyzing fear and multiplying it ten times over. For example if you have a fear of spiders you will suddenly find yourself covered in them. (you can either make it real or illusion that is up to you.) emotional stress such as fear or anger makes her power harder to control. If you want to stick with the idea of her as a martial artist then maybe she took it up as a way to discipline herself in order to better control her emotions.

Should I trade DeSean Jackson for Ben Roethlisberger?

No. DeSean is awesome, and Big Ben is not. You already have a great QB. (Rodgers). He is trying to take advantage of you.

Rusty dennis care about rocky in the movie "MASK" HELP!!!?

i need to do a ey about rusty dennis like how she feel about rocky her son in the movie. what she think of him n wat other people think of him. what she want the bset of him...ect. HELLPPP

I installed speakers on my 97 Prelude, and now I can get power to my deck even without turning on ignition?

I have a JVC deck that circuit city installed. I replaced the stock honda speakers with pioneers. There were four wires coming into a two prong connector to the old speakers. Since I had to connect this to two wires i just crimped the two wires of each color together and then to the two leads coming out of the speaker. Should I be afraid that this will drain the battery? How can I fix it?

Does anyone know I can find this computer game?

I'm looking for the original 'Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego?' computer game. It was released in either '85 or '86. I think it was created by Broderbund (sp?). I remember it use to be on one of those bigger floppy disks. So far I have found later editions of the game, but not this specific edition. Thank you in advance for any help. ^_^

Leather biker jacket - How can I get one that fits like this ( plz read)?

if i were you, i would get the size 14. then take it to the tailors and tell them you want it one size smaller everywhere but the chest. i hope that works for you : )

Do you think that this man is into me or is he just messing?

like this guy who is really good looking and we get on well. I'm friendly with one of his friends and he was asking me 'what kind of guys do you like'. I confessed to him that I like his friend but said 'I know its stupid as i'm sure he has lots of girlfriends but sometimes we flirt a bit'. The friend said 'yeah, he sure knows how to flirt!'. He also said that he suspected that I liked him as 'he picked up on the chemistry going on in the atmosphere'. He also said that he used to be envious of this guy because he was 'friends with so many women'. Do you think that this means that he is a womaniser? Do I have any chance with him? We got together once and kissed..he wanted more but I need time as I like to take things slow. He wants to come see me..we live in diff cities. I know one girl he is friends with and it is totally platonic (as she is a friend of mine as well).

Do you also hate these bands!?

no metro station avenged sevenfold and aar are decent...just varies with music taste Edit:ahh preppy jb fan im guessing?

Which would hurt worse? *Tattoo*?

I have a ton of ink and let me tell you honestly the inner wrist was the worst pain by far of any of them. Your lower back will be a piece of cake compared to the wrist. Hip, don't know because I'm fat and won't tattoo there so I can't help you there.

How do you change your party affiliation on your voter's registration?

In most states you must re-register to vote when changing your party affiliation. Go to this website to check the law in your state: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . If you do need to re-register, you can do so online here: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . Deadlines for registering to vote prior to the Primary Elections have already ped in many states, so make sure you have your form turned in on time if you would like to vote in your new party in the Primary Election!

How to thread messages on Blackjack 2?

My messages are not threaded and it's kind of annoying just to have them all out there... I have the baby blue and white blackjack 2 and I have NO idea how to thread the messages... please help!! THANK YOU!!!! :D

What are your favourite eighties songs?

I like quite a few like Caught Up in You by .38 Special, Walking on Broken Gl by Annie Lennox (if you watch the video you'll even see Hugh Laurie)---oops that's early nineties

I stretched my ear a few weeks ago. the backside of my ear is puffy, but I didnt rip it. what should I do?

You need to get the puffiness down, by putting ice on it and then make an appointment to see your Dr.

Pet breeding Question?

I want to breed my pet rocks, is it ok for me to breed a igneous rock with a sedimentary rock? I am not interested in getting them papered just in having healthy pebbles.

uming such could happen, if Australia became a fascist state; like a Fourth Reich, who would it ally with?

Yes a government would try to create some sort of Religion but would not enforce it until the nation is "pure". It would be because even though you Aussies share common ideals with us, we wouldn't support you. It would feel very umcomfortable around us

Women only please: Haven't contacted a girl in 3 weeks, all of a sudden she texts me, does want to see me?

Yeah, I guess she likes you. All those silent weeks, maybe she was just waiting for you to contact her first, but you didn' maybe she thought txting you out of the blue means she's still hoping to see you soon.

Will the Republicans learn from Waterloo and support climate and energy legislation?

I think Senator Jim DeMint was comparing Obama to the Duke of Wellington in that reference. The Duke of Wellington was a Torie (conservative) and likely a role model for Senator DeMint.

How do we get these spark plugs out?

My hubby has a 1991 Ford Probe and it started acting up a couple weeks ago so we started looking around at possible solutions to our problem and discovered that the spark plugs were totally saturated with oil. We started taking the spark plugs out and one of them is stuck and it will not come out. My husband tried for several hours and could barely get it to budge so he called his brother and an ex and they tried for about six hours to get the spark plug out. They tried soaking it with wd 40 to help loosen things up but it didn't help much. We are trying to sell this stupid car and really need to make this happen.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The TEA PARTY`S Power Should Never Be Underestimated Again. They Just Got Bob Bennett Ousted. Ready 4 A Fight?

Republican cronies beware. Now there is TEA. Democrats, you should be beyond petrified. Obama and his POP MEDIA are wasting their time trying to quell the fire within the "collective American". Who`s next ?

Can I keep on eating this amount of food?

you seem to be doing a pretty good job (: maybe try eating a bit more, though, to help gain muscle. eating a lot of zinc also helps to gain muscle (:

Audi a6 9.0 Question please Help!!! :)?

A couple of things... when you unlock the car, if you turn the key more, the windows will come down automatically. If you are using the keyless, entry, then it was modified to do that. Oxygen SENSORS were replaced, not tanks. As for the battery issue, I am sensing it needs an alternator, because you mentioned that the light kicked on, and the voltmeter needle dropped. Is there a warranty from the "pre-owned place?" Generally it is 30 days. If there is, take it back and demand that they repair it, and reimburse you for the battery. Also, the year would help too. You should have had this car checked over by an independent VW/Audi tech prior to purchase though.

Which of these former male models turned out to be a great actor - pick who u think has best acting skills?

never knew b was a model...he's a natural with the romantic ones...i agree its a tie cuz arjun rampal is gud at the action/dark roles

What would be your opinion on a change to the points system rewarding points for correct reports?

Points for correct reports. Account deletion for false reports. Otherwise you're encouraging false reporting.

So you don't like your choices for pres. but you go along to get along? Is that not a sell-out?

Not voting does no good either. There is no answer that simple. And if you believe the President is in a powerless role, you haven't been paying attention for the past 8 years.

Problem with my motherboard???

Right i have a MSI 915GLM-v motherboard if you search it it is ment to have a AGR slot yes thats right not AGP its an AGR x 8 interface but on mine the connector slot is not there.. there is the gap for it and 2 holes for it to screw into but where can i get this RED AGR slot to put into my motherboard???

Is there any women's AFL team in the Northern RIvers?

just looking to find out if there is any women's AFL team around in the northern rivers area. Ive been a big fan of AFL since a was little and wanted to start playing.

I am 19 yrs old,5feet 8inches tall and 80 kgs much distance can i run everyday,to be fit?

I'm 25 and I can run 2,5 miles a day. I'm not physically fit. I just had 2 children back-to-back. Ages 1, & 2. And I've lost 13lbs already in 5 months. If you are just wanting to keep healthy. Try jogging with 2lb weights on your ankles and arms. And do a couple miles a day. You will definitely see a difference in your muscle tone and you'll look and feel good about yourself.

Does farting in public embar you?

My friends are always making themselves uncomfortable by not farting around other people and with me I just let it go. If I want to fart, I will fart. My sister is always yelling at me about it. I don't fart in cars or anything rude like that, but it's just me. If I am in my own house I'll do it. There is something sooo awkward about having to get up, walk to the bathroom, fart even though people can hear you because a bathroom is like a microphone room, then walk out totally straight faced... I would say that's MORE embaring!!! haha

Should Connecticut's Democratic Party ask Lieberman to bounce?

I am from Connecticut and still live there today...we have a mix of liberals and moderates. Alot of people are upset about Lieberman. I didn't vote for him and I don't think he'd win re-election again...hell our other senator Chris Dodd might not either after his little mortgage's a known fact CT's 7 electoral votes are going to Obama. Lieberman never even looked out for the interests of CT...

Baby boy names...hubby and i are at war?

I don't really like any of them, but if I had to pick, I would pick Asher. What about Asher Lucas, Asher Ewan (Yew-an). Oh, and naming your son Baby Boy is legal.

Seniors, do you ever go to watch the ponies run?

I bet on the grey mare, I bet on the bay, if I'd bet on old Stewball I'd be a rich man today. The last time I went I was having a phenomenal day. I won most of the 13 first races. There was a Kentucky Derby horse that was racing that was the favorite. He was written up in all the papers. He paid 3-5, but I took all my winnings and put the whole thing on him. That stupid nag balked at the gate and came in dead last. I think the fix was definitely in. I saw grown men crying like babies. But the old mafia guys were grinning from ear to ear.

RAM Upgrade for HP laptop (Pavilion zv6000)?

I bought a 1 Gig Ram DDR, 333, CL2.5 which was the specs of the old one, it even had the same Manufaturers name. But the problem is, when i put it on and restart my laptop it doesnt work. SO i put the old one it and sure enough it works just right. Can anyone help with this problem? i sure appreciate it.

Where would you get the cheapest PS3 games? Should you buy off PSN or go and get a BD from a shop?

P.S i live in India where 1$ = 50 Rs. i have relatives elsewhere and i'd say that indians value Rs 10 as much as Americans value 1$ so 60 $ means as much as 250$ to an indian making PS3 games GoDamn expensive. i got the PS3 as a gift.

Willie Nelson Covers: Good and Bad?

I really dont' like ANY of his covers because he can't sing, he just sorta talks the words to the songs and he's never in meter. I cant' imagine being in that guy's band and having to try to figure out his rhythm! But yeah, he's a great songwriter, he wrote "Crazy" and "Hello Walls"!

I really need a scene hairstyle.. ?

long tapered sides from a shorter back bob or clip. tapered longest to front. side part. color optional.

Does anyone have a Great Gatsby Essay?

try watching the movie it helps because you can actually see thier personality something you cant really get out of a book

How do you get a guys phone number?Answers would be appreciated!?

I mean let's say I like "a guy" and I wnat to get his number without being creepy or stalkerish!

I need a meal idea for dinner tomorrow..i'm a guy and can't cook!?

I don't know what meat you like so I can't recommend that, but if it is your first time cooking, poultry is dangerous to cook because of salmonella poisoning. Mashed potatoes or pasta from a box, frozen vegetables steamed.

Do mutations always affect the final protein?

No, mutations always doesn't effect the final protein. See you have studied that the genetic code is degenarate. one protein is coded by more than a code, for example the protein serine is coded by four codons (UCU, UCA, UCG and UGC). Even if the last letter is replaced by another letter, the protein doesn't change. Such mutations are called point mutations.

If i got a black belt in Kickboxing would i be any good with muay thai?

Just wondering, because at the moment i'm just 14 and i am doing kickboxing but they're is no muay Thai were we live so i have to stick to this but i was wondering if i moved and started muay thai would it help me or not.

Bush just want's another world war!?

iraq for resources and america wants georgia because it's a good strategic point when will they stop (int it funny as soon as america conquers somewhere prices rocket sky humanity......yep that's Bush. And lets face it the world's got too many people on her so let's have a war...hmmmm

How to be a girly girl?

I've noticed I kind of give off a vibe that shows me as an aggressive girl, when really all I'd love to be is an innocent girly girl. Of course being me I am totally clueless, and I know that their are a lot of chic girly girls, so if you'd give me your tips on everything from what to wear and how to act and how to present myself, then I would be stoked. :) thanks for all your tips!

What do you think of my fantasy team. 10 team league?

Manning as a backup QB is suspect. I love McNabb, but if he goes down you're in trouble. Your RBs are stacked - I love Green this year. WR you have totally stacked - nice. K - Kaeding should have a good year and Brown will be nice. D - I like GB as a sleeper/late pick and Miami is solid. If you could get a better backup QB you'd be set, but you should easily make the playoffs and advance far with this team.

Ever had one of those days where nothing goes right?

Well I've had a whole week of that. Grandson's in the hospital after a ruptured appendix. Everything at work that can break---has broke. Car's acting funny & money is short. So my question is: Will you hold me? I could really use a snuggle buddy right now.

What happened to all that available Oil in Alaska?

Same thing that has happened to drilling for our own oil in other places. The EPA cancels their leases and then get the US Geological Commission to change it's findings! Simple answer. Ask Shell Oil Company about what just happened to them, and by WHOM, AFTER they had spent $4 Billion on worthless land for wildcatting!

Ovulation Spotting or...?

It could be that you are pg and that your body is already changing. I would take a test to be on the safe side. Yes it could be ovulation spotting or it could be the sperm attaching to your uterus. Ovulation is like your pd it should be around the same time every month. I hope it helped. Good Luck.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What is the song playing during the NFL add that aired during the 2010 Super Bowl?

The commercial is all about current NFL stars before they were famous - like how no one knew how to pronounce Favre's name

Freinds please give your suggestions on this issue?

Incidents of molestation of young college girls in mumbai are on the rise. The MUMBAI POLICE has this excuse that these girls dress up provacatively . How will the mumbai police explain the recent case of two teenage girls from JAI HIND COLLEGE who were decently dressed but yet they were mercilessly molested by those group of men who on the pretext of helping tthe girls from a fall in a nearby ditch ,actually played with the bodies of those innocent girls. Are women and girls safe in MUMBAI ? Why should these innocent college girls bear the brunt of such eve-teasers and the laxity in the working of mumbai police towards safety of women and college girls on the street?

How do i get rid of my stretch marks?

okay so im a guy who is on a diet right now and fast losing wight. eventualy once i start building muscle and start working out more i want to be able to wear a bathing suit and not have those darn strech marks on my body anymore! i got them on my sholders, arms, somach, waist, legs stc. and i realyl want to get rid of them soon. does ANYONE know any fairly inexpensive and mildy not painfull ways to get rid of them compelatly 100%. i dont want them FADDED im going to be a screen actor and i cant have that ugly stuff still there, i want them GONE.

Anyone get there BFP at 11dpo?

I got a very faint positive at 11 dpo. If it's negative don't get discouraged since it's still very early. And my dog was the same way as yours! She usually doesn't sit in my lap too much since she's daddy's girl but before I got my BFP she wanted to sit in my lap constantly. Good luck to you!

How do I go about getting this job?

I would give them a call and check the status of your application. Sometimes a prospective employer wants to know that you have a genuine interest in the position.

Anyone know of any videos for web site affiliation?

I need to find travel videos to place in a web site ( )to promote UK travel companies. Banners are o.k. but video works better. As always there are some available for USA but not UK.

Should I quit or slow down on exercise?

Normally, I workout 5 days a week doing kickboxing and aerobics cles, as well as a stationary bike, elliptical, and strength training. I just got a new job that is VERY physically demanding (standing 8 hours, constantly walking around, heavy kitchen work, squatting). Basically, there's no resting. I came home exhausted! Should I quit exercising, or should I exercise less?

Hanging a flat screen t.v. over fireplace mantle and want to add an electrical outlet?

I am hanging my flat panel over my fireplace mantle and wanted to add an additional electrical outlet so there will be less noticeable wiring. I have an outlet near the floor and just a few feet away. Can I daisy chain off that outlet and have everything legal and safe?

If a guy at your work makes a joking but ually explicit proposition, can you still remain friends?

So girls, if a guy you sit by at work for the last year, and who you consider a platonic friend, out of the blue makes a somewhat joking but ually explicit reference to you and proposes you get it on with him, how do you react? and is it possible to go back to being just friends afterward? this happened to my wife a couple of times and she just ignored it and played it off like it never happened, it seems he hasnt done it lately and she doesnt think its a big deal, she still maintains a working relationship but less friendly, is this how most happily married women would handle this? or would you report this to a supervisor etc?? i trust my wife because she told me about it so no concerns there.....

Please tell me what you think about my story!?!?!?

I understood the overall message and about the mother being dead. It was good but the beginng went kinda quickly and maybe you should give the character a name.

Would you say this is a good trade?

i was offered joey votto for troy tulo. i have jeter as my utility so i cn move him bck to ss. would this hlp my fantasy baseball team

What changes are needed for American Idol's eighth season?

I recommend they reveal results from top to bottom. Do music themes that involve musicians that are popular or who are up and coming and will be popular, and good generes of music, like country, rock, and maybe a week of hip-hop. Plus Ryan should talks less. And finally the show should must get interesting after the top 24, and there should be a top 14 or 16, instead of 12, and all finalists should be allowed to go on The American Idols Tour sponsered by Kellogg's Pop Tarts.

I can not find the titanic music sheet !!!?

i want the titanic Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On Sheet Music but i want it to be printable not download please help me!!!1

Am I just being too cynical - I can't believe any case that has Al Sharpton involved?

Read his lips . . . "Man speak with forked tongue, make mole hills to look like Mt. Everest and the Himalyans. He is one sided in his view points and worse yet, he causes rifts. Brother Al, loves being in front of the camera, therefore he goes truck'n to issues regarding race. I was waiting for him to jump in on the Dog Chapman issue. I think Dog's PR jumped on this quickly, and I'm sure they contacted Sharpton.

Am i ugly? please answer question????PLZ?

well...i ask this really cute girl (nicole) if she wanted to go see a movie with me..and shes like EWWW.. AM I UGLY WTFFF ?!??!!?!

Fostering a dog we would like to adopt- but get welts when I am licked,?

We are fostering a dog for the week that we have come to love. We need to give the humane society an answer by tomorrow. I have discovered that I get hives and sometimes welts on my arms and face when she licks me. I also am a tad congested. I have been taking claritin daily so this is while I am on allergy meds. Will the allergy go away or lessen or will it get worse? I don't want to make a 20 year commitment to this dog and be miserable for all of it. Also, she has extreme aggression to our other little dog when they eat together- will this ever go away? I don't want my other dog to live in fear. Other than that, she is the perfect dog for us. What should I do?

Will a 87 honda prelude si engine fit in a 91 civic si?

I need a new engine for my 91 honda civic si and have found a 87 honda prelude si engine with fuel injection. Will the engine swap work? Any major modifications to look out for or will it be basic? Thanks

Scientology questions?

how do scientologists feel about vitamin and dietary supplements..i know they are not big fans of medicine and drugs...

Do Christians believe in reincarnation?

no..elijah never dead but was taking to heaven. that of john the baptist and Elijah menas that they are the same in power and might.bibles tells is judgement after death so those that rose up where in paradise under eath so Jusus went and let the captives free from being held againt there Will.that was there spirit(immotal), u have the power to raise someone from death if the person ha not been judged...that is called power of authourity from Jesus(born agains)

Fellow Atheist, I need your help (Atheists Only!)?

I agree this may be a problem. it is good she has you for balance. all you can do is teach her by example. get her involved in roman history. show her the hidden rome. maybe one day she will make the right choice.

Whopper virgins add controversy?

i know its sad its like there saying hey know your hungry over there but um were gonna take you to try our shitty burgers so you can compare then were gonna send you bac to your starving alrighty bye

I have a Hydro flame Atwood 8531 that stopped working during the night, was working fine before. Propane had?

I have a Hydro flame Atwood 8531 that stopped working during the night, was working fine before. Propane had about a 1/4 of a take left husband changed it over and when we tried to start it, it wouldn't and all we could here was a shhhhhhhh noise and nothing else. We did turn off the furnace and wait but still nothing Does anyone know what it could be... HELP PLEASE..