Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paranoid or what do you think?

Have bn through a really stressful time as of late and have broken up with my partner so here it goes... We had on August 9th and condom slipped.. so had to take plan b.. Have bn off the pill as was having medical stuff done.. anyways a week later had a very light period on Aug 17th.. Ended up around end of Aug and they did a blood test (preg) which wld have bn abt 11 days after . When I had the bleed on aug 17th i umed it was my period and went back on the pill and had a normal bleed then the docs were concerned with my blood pressure and told me to come off it and i went on to have a natural bleed on October 15th.. I am feeling bloated and kept on feeling lik twinges on one side of my abdomen. I have put on a couple of pounds and am stressing more because of breakup and going in and out of hospital to have procedures done on my back for pain as result of accident. Was put on meds which gave me an awful taste put this has now stopped.. I had a preg blood test done yesterday and will get results tomorrow. I have done numerous urine tests all negative.. just wondering what you think?? could it be pregnancy or am i just stressing out because of what has happened

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