Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why is everyone being so unsupportive of me relocating back home?

I live in GA & my fam lives in CA.I moved to GA to go to school & now I want to relocate back home. I've been considering it for about a year but just finally decided it was the right time since things have been really bad for me, I miss my family terribly & then I lost my job. My bf of 4 years who I expected to come with me b/c he said he wanted to is suddenly resisting saying he doesnt want the hle of moving but when I say Ok I'll go without you he gets pissed & starts fighting with me. My family to my surprise is also super pressuring me. I had my mom look at an apartment today for me & b/c I didn't fill out an application & pay the first month TODAY she got upset & said she didnt want to bother looking at apts if I wasnt going to get one. Im still across the country & I have 1 month on my lease. I want to have her look at several not just one so I can choose something decent.The apartment was less than 5 minutes from her. Now she's telling me that I'm taking too long and shes quote "weary" of dealing with helping me move. I only brought up that I was moving On June 15th & she hasnt helped me do anything. Now I'm questioning why the hell I should move back now b/c no one seems to care either way about my happiness? Why is everyone being so unsupportive??

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