Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do you think that this man is into me or is he just messing?

like this guy who is really good looking and we get on well. I'm friendly with one of his friends and he was asking me 'what kind of guys do you like'. I confessed to him that I like his friend but said 'I know its stupid as i'm sure he has lots of girlfriends but sometimes we flirt a bit'. The friend said 'yeah, he sure knows how to flirt!'. He also said that he suspected that I liked him as 'he picked up on the chemistry going on in the atmosphere'. He also said that he used to be envious of this guy because he was 'friends with so many women'. Do you think that this means that he is a womaniser? Do I have any chance with him? We got together once and kissed..he wanted more but I need time as I like to take things slow. He wants to come see me..we live in diff cities. I know one girl he is friends with and it is totally platonic (as she is a friend of mine as well).

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