Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm afraid of two things please help me?

Okay when I was in first and second grade I had excellent test scores and they put me in discovery but soon took me out because my teacher was an . After that I hated school and I was jealous of the other kids for being in the discovery program "for smart kids" and I would just guess on the standardized test (except for the years I needed to be promoted to the next grade level), but I always guessed on the ITBS (was not required to be promoted). So I always had been a "B" student (honor roll). Then in 7th grade I started taking school seriously again and I became an "A/B" student, I even scored on the gifted level in 8th grade, I even got an 85% on the EOCT(for algebra 1). Even though I did better I still guessed on the ITBS (which turned out to be the test to determine whether you were gifted). So I get to high school and first semester I had straight "A's", then second semester I had a ***** for a literature teacher who dropped my "A" to a "B" but I got a 90% on the EOCT. The problem is I didn't take advanced cles (not good for transcript). I did good the rest of the year getting an 88% on the biology EOCT and an 91% on the geometry EOCT. So next year (sopre) I get straight "A's" first semester (while taking advanced cles) and scored an 91% on the physical science EOCT. By the looks of my progress report card I will get straight "A's" for second semester. The problem is I see other people taking AP world history (most dropped out and are in my accelerated world history cl) and accelerated chemistry (counselor wouldn't let me take until junior year). Some of them down me for taking easy cles like home economics, physical education, and spanish 1. The reason I'm taking p.e. is because I need 2 credits of p.e. and I never took spanish freshmen year because I was in the orchestra, and I had home economic last year so I wanted it again. The main things I am worried about though are a) how well will I do in college b) AP cles (for college transcript) can I keep up c) have i learned enough to do well on the SAT/ACT. I have a current 4.0 GPA and an overall 3.9 GPA and I don't want AP cles to pull it down, also do advanced classes look just as good on your transcript? I am in the same exact classes with gifted/magnet students but I have higher grades in the class than they do ( I always said its just a title). I have yet to take the SAT/ACT but I have taken the PSAT twice and I haven't done so well. So my question is do you think I have the potential to do well in college?

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