Monday, August 15, 2011

Who is a contemporary (current) figure who has exhibited betrayal (against government, religion, anything)?

Mr. Felt immediately comes to mind. He was "Deep Throat" in the Nixon missing tapes / Watergate scandal. He was in the FBI, meaning he ultimately answered to Nixon. The practice of breaking into opponents campaign offices and spying was not new. Quite the contrary, it was actually the norm. The news media was looking for a story and wanted desperately to make Nixon look bad. Mr. Felt (who didn't have guts enough to do it outwardly) gave them exactly what they wanted. Where was he during Kennedy's reign of terror? The media turned a blind eye to most every lie and criminal act Kennedy carried out against the American people. And Mr. Felt? Well, he was in the FBI, but just didn't seem to care about say, 2,510 dead Americans on the beaches of Cuba... And the media today, portrays Mr. Felt as a hero. How perverse. As for Nixon, had he admitted the truth, fired those responsible and apologized, it is more than slightly conceivable that all would have been forgiven and he would have remained President.

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